Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Creation

As we begin a new year, we are constantly encountering the infamous "New Years Resolution". I never have set a resolution only because I know I have commitment issues in that area. Haha! But as I began to lead and live this more mature and "womanly" life I decided to give it a try this year.

After all the chatter of "losing weight, exercising more, eating healthy, do better with finances" I began to ponder my topic of choice. What I came up with I think is a good one, for me anyways. My New Year's Resolution for 2013 is...BE ORGANIZED!! Not just your standard "put this where it goes" organized but also the "check book balanced, more family time, use time wisely (especially with homework)" kind of organized.

I have a hard time putting things back where they go once I'm finished with it. My mom can vouch for me when I say I never, ever put clothes up! When I was younger I had a very small bedroom; smaller than my past dorm rooms. With the little amount of floor space I did have, I remember one day I had so many clothes on the floor I felt like I was walking around in two feet of snow. Needless to say that led to a whole day of cleaning. Still to this day, I struggle with this same problem. Right now I have an ottoman in my bedroom with clothes piled on it. But besides clothes, I'm not organized with my money, adequate family time (especially since I live three hours away), school work and just life in general.

So first step in getting organized is to admit I have a problem. Oh! Wait! This isn't my Substance Abuse class. First step is to make a plan of action. With the help of Jen for I have an idea of where I want to begin, and that place is my spare bedroom.

I want it to serve as a guest bedroom when I have company but I also want an office for school and my own personal use. I'm not really sure what to do first but I guess I can start with cleaning it and moving out the boxes. I am currently looking for a "table desk" (similar to the one pictured) instead of your standard office desk. I even thought about making one, which the fam back home is interested in seeing. Haha!

But this is my resolution, let's see where it leads me! What are your resolutions? Pray about it.

"New Year's Day is every man's birthday!" -Charles Lamb

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." -2 Cor. 5:17 (ESV)

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